Report says Christians in South-East Nigeria suffered violence during Christmas seasonFeb 1Ngala Killian Chimtom
Report gives cautious optimism as fewer priests kidnapped in Nigeria in 2024Jan 16Ngala Killian Chimtom
There may be hope for Syrian Christians, but don’t expect them to join the party yetDec 8, 2024John L. Allen Jr.
Christian charity calls Democratic Republic of Congo ‘rape capital of the world’Oct 26, 2024Ngala Killian Chimtom
Critics charge Nicaragua’s Ortega aims to ‘financially suffocate’ the ChurchAug 26, 2024Eduardo Campos Lima
Catholic leader claims Nigeria’s military has become ‘jihadist force’Aug 24, 2024Ngala Killian Chimtom
Christian pastor attacked in India after being accused of ‘illegal conversion’Jul 29, 2024Nirmala Carvalho
U.S. Secretary of State offers prayers for Pope Francis on anniversary of his electionMar 13John Lavenburg
Success of early morning broadcast by Charismatic Catholic causing controversy in BrazilMar 13Eduardo Campos Lima