Commitment to the Catholic mission ‘can’t be comprised’ in Catholic schools, archbishop saysJun 12, 2024John Lavenburg
Augustine Institute president says it’s a ‘crossroads for the renewal’ of the ChurchApr 30, 2024John Lavenburg
Amid lawsuits, nation’s first state-funded Catholic school opens applicationsMar 26, 2024John Lavenburg
Cardinal says African leaders ignore morality they learned in Catholic schoolsDec 16, 2023Ngala Killian Chimtom
Catholic schools in Cameroon struggle with budgets, kidnappings and moreNov 25, 2023Ngala Killian Chimtom
Colorado parishes, archdiocese sue state over pre-school funding requirementsAug 22, 2023John Lavenburg
Cardinal leading Caritas Internationalis says U.S. must see ‘negative impact’ of actionsFeb 13Nirmala Carvalho
Pope Francis replaces Archbishop Schnurr in Cincinnati, makes two other appointmentsFeb 12John Lavenburg