Catholic leaders say abortion referendum results ‘does not bode well for the future’Nov 10, 2022John Lavenburg
US bishops call for prayer after tensions over Supreme Court abortion decision leakMay 12, 2022John Lavenburg
Family congress in Verona shows tensions between Vatican and populist CatholicsApr 2, 2019Claire Giangravè
Why the Pontifical Academy for Life must be unapologetically pro-lifeJun 26, 2017Father Shenan J. Boquet
Catholic Charities NY: Government efforts to deal with criminal immigrants ‘legitimate’Feb 5John Lavenburg
Japanese cardinal supports efforts to aid Gaza, but questions plans to bring injured to JapanFeb 5Nirmala Carvalho
Catholic Sister founds first formation center for women religious in NamibiaFeb 4Ngala Killian Chimtom