Catholic Relief Services asks U.S. government to fund efforts to end world hungerMay 15, 2020Christopher White
Catholic, other faith groups pledge solidarity all seeking asylum in U.S.Nov 22, 2018Catholic News Service
Callahan: Want to slow immigration? Invest in helping people stay homeJul 11, 2017John L. Allen Jr., Inés San Martín
New head of Catholic Relief Services wants to be a beacon of light in dark placesJan 7, 2017Kim Lawton
Catholic Charities NY: Government efforts to deal with criminal immigrants ‘legitimate’Feb 5John Lavenburg
Japanese cardinal supports efforts to aid Gaza, but questions plans to bring injured to JapanFeb 5Nirmala Carvalho
Catholic Sister founds first formation center for women religious in NamibiaFeb 4Ngala Killian Chimtom