You probably know about Harambe, the gorilla that was killed at the Cincinnati Zoo in late May of this year after a three-year-old boy fell into his enclosure.

The incident, caught on video, was broadcast nationally and internationally, attracting controversy and criticism over whether or not the killing was necessary.

Months later, Harambe’s still making headlines. What should the Philadelphia Zoo name its newborn gorilla? Harambe. Why did the National Weather Service choose toname the next hurricane Hermine instead of – what else – Harambe? Who should we nominate for president instead of Trump or Clinton? Harambe. Meme after memeafter meme? Harambe.

But do we know the name of at least one Syrian refugee or victim of violence?

Do we remember the name and the face of Omran Daqneesh, whose five-year-old face, shocked, dusted and bloody, went viral earlier this month after a bomb obliterated his home and killed his brother, Ali?

Do we remember the name Alan Kurdi, the three-year-old boy whose lifeless body washed up on Turkish shores, after his family attempted to escape the violence in Syria?

Do we know the name of Father Ibrahim of Aleppo, Syria, who’s asked his already suffering people to pray and fast for peace? Do we know the name of Archbishop Jean-Clement Jeanbart of Aleppo, who has made countless pleas for prayers and aid on behalf of his people?

Almost half a million people have died in the conflict in Syria, which has been ongoing for over five years and is not expected to end any time soon.

It has created the largest number of refugees of any current conflict, with millions having fled the country and over 6 million currently displaced within Syrian borders. There have been over 4.7 million registered refugees from Syria, according to Catholic Relief Services, and the United States just officially announced that it has resettled 10,000 of them.

The name and image of a dead gorilla is still going viral months after he was killed.

Why not all the more the names, faces and stories of millions of persecuted people, who need more than just memes and hashtags?

Pope Francis continues to set an example by speaking up against the violence, andbring refugees to the Vatican, and even inviting them to lunch. Not once has he mentioned Harambe.

Let’s follow his example and talk about persecuted people and refugees at least as much as we talk about a gorilla that has been dead for three months.

Additionally, let’s pray for them by name, and offer aid in whatever way we can.