Here’s another reflection from the daily Catholic prayer periodical, “Give Us This Day,” that really resonated with me. It’s the second one in two days.

Referring to John’s Gospel Friday about the doubting apostle Thomas, Carlo Carretto (1910-1988), a member of the Little Brothers of Jesus, once explained his own struggles to believe.

“Look at the (world’s) injustices, look at the hungry, look what a hell human life has become!” he said.

If some unimaginable horror befalls you – say, your child is killed – even the most faithful must ask, why didn’t God intervene? How can I believe God is real?

“This is why I shall never cease to say that the most exhausting thing in my life has been believing,” he wrote. “I think this must also be true for you.”

But Carretto said he also knows, and he has “experienced this a thousand times, that when I believe…I upset the real, I overcome my own gravitational weight, I enter the orbit of light, I live a divine reality, I realize the kingdom within me, I conquer the world surrounding and trying to stifle me.

“When I believe, I am no longer a mere man, I am already a Son of God.”