Catholics between the ages of 18 and 34 – the so-called Millennial generation – are split on their support for abortion rights, but reject Church teaching when it comes to contraception and LGBT issues. Those are the findings from a report issued Friday by the Public Religion Research Institute in Washington.
About 18 percent of Millennials identify as Catholic, a sharp decrease from the roughly one-quarter of those 65 and older who are Catholic. The most common religious identifier among Millennials: unaffiliated, at 33 percent.
The findings:
While more than half — 55 percent — of all Millennials believe that abortion should be legal in all or most cases, white Catholic Millennials are split on the issue, 51 percent (should be legal) vs. 49 percent (should be illegal).
And to slice the pie even narrower, most Hispanic Catholic Millennials – 55 percent – say abortion should be illegal.
In contrast to their views on abortion, large majorities of Catholics, white and Hispanic, report having taken a sex education class in school, and believe promoting contraception in those classes is a better method for preventing unintended pregnancies over abstinence-only sex education.
About 70 percent of Catholic Millennials believe “it is morally acceptable to use contraception.”
However, just about half – 49 percent – of Catholic Millennials favor requiring a prescription to obtain emergency contraception, nine points higher than Millennials as a group.
Most Millennial Catholics also tend to believe that private companies should be required to cover contraception in employee health plans. Sixty percent of white Catholics agree with this, and 68 percent of Hispanic Catholics.
LGBT issues
Gay rights garners an even higher percentage of support among Millennials. More than eight in 10 white and Hispanic Catholics favor laws that would protect gays and lesbians against discrimination in jobs, public accommodations, and housing,” a bit higher than the overall rate of 73 percent.
The report said that 7 percent of Millennials identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. Among religiously unaffiliated Millennials, 12 percent identify as LGBT, but the number drops for Catholics: Just 6 percent of Hispanic Catholics and 2 percent of White Catholics identify as LGBT.
The poll was conducted with a random sample of 2,314 adults in English and Spanish between Feb. 12 and 25. Read the full report here.