Catholic agencies say Inflation Reduction Act addresses long-standing goalsAug 13, 2022Dennis Sadowski
Environmental leaders: U.N. climate change report can spur prayerful actionAug 11, 2021Dennis Sadowski
Catholic leaders welcome Biden plan to rejoin Paris climate agreementJan 21, 2021Catholic News Service
As Earth Day turns 50, ‘humanity is at critical crossroad,’ say activistsApr 22, 2020Catholic News Service
Georgetown cites ‘global environmental challenges’ as it divests from fossil fuelsFeb 11, 2020Christopher White
Catholic Charities NY: Government efforts to deal with criminal immigrants ‘legitimate’Feb 5John Lavenburg
Japanese cardinal supports efforts to aid Gaza, but questions plans to bring injured to JapanFeb 5Nirmala Carvalho
Catholic Sister founds first formation center for women religious in NamibiaFeb 4Ngala Killian Chimtom