U.S. bishops vote to prioritize evangelizing the unaffiliated, disaffiliated, and youthNov 14, 2024John Lavenburg
African archbishop challenges prosperity Gospel, idea of a ‘white man’s God’Aug 17, 2024Ngala Killian Chimtom
‘Nones’ may have dim view of religion, but many still say they’re ‘spiritual’Jan 24, 2024John Lavenburg
Vatican official says it’s important to be ‘realistic’ on engagement with ChinaNov 16, 2022Elise Ann Allen
On Vatican II anniversary, pope chides those who choose ‘party’ over unityOct 11, 2022Elise Ann Allen
Francis aims to cement legacy of Vatican II in life, mission of the churchOct 11, 2022Elise Ann Allen
Pope urges cardinals to imitate ‘ragtag group of disciples’ in evangelization effortsAug 30, 2022Elise Ann Allen
‘New generation’ of cardinals makes leadership more global, with zeal for evangelizationAug 30, 2022Elise Ann Allen
Pope Francis replaces Archbishop Schnurr in Cincinnati, makes two other appointmentsFeb 12John Lavenburg