ROME — Access to clean drinking water is a basic human right and a key component in protecting human life, Pope Francis said.
“The right to water is essential for the survival of persons and decisive for the future of humanity,” the pope said Feb. 24 during a meeting with 90 international experts participating in a “Dialogue on Water” at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.
Looking at all the conflicts around the globe, Pope Francis said, “I ask myself if we are not moving toward a great world war over water.”
Access to water is a basic and urgent matter, he said. “Basic, because where there is water there is life, making it possible for societies to arise and advance. Urgent, because our common home needs to be protected.”
Citing “troubling” statistics from the United Nations, the pope said, “each day — each day! — a thousand children die from water-related illnesses and millions of persons consume polluted water.”
While the situation is urgent, it is not insurmountable, he said. “Our commitment to giving water its proper place calls for developing a culture of care — that may sound poetic, but that is fine because creation is a poem.”
Scientists, business leaders, religious believers and politicians must work together to educate people on the need to protect water resources and to find more ways to ensure greater access to clean water “so that others can live,” he said.
A lack of clean and safe drinking water “is a source of great suffering in our common home,” the pope said. “It also cries out for practical solutions capable of surmounting the selfish concerns that prevent everyone from exercising this fundamental right.”
“We need to unite our voices in a single cause; then it will no longer be a case of hearing individual or isolated voices, but rather the plea of our brothers and sisters echoed in our own, and the cry of the earth for respect and responsible sharing in a treasure belonging to all,” he said.
If each person contributes, he said, “we will be helping to make our common home a more livable and fraternal place, where none are rejected or excluded, but all enjoy the goods needed to live and to grow in dignity.”