WASHINGTON, D.C. — A Catholic girls school in Washington, D.C., says it’s getting overwhelmingly positive responses to its decision to include same-sex union announcements in its alumnae magazine.

But the pastor of a nearby Catholic parish calls the move by Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School a “dagger to the heart.”

The Washington Post reported on the criticism by Monsignor Edward J. Filardi of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church in Bethesda, Maryland. He wrote in Sunday’s parish bulletin that Visitation’s president emerita, Sister Mary Berchmans, has betrayed her faith and succumbed to lobbying.

“Sister, I am sure this decision takes a lot of pressure off of you, secures the financial fortune of your 220-year-old academy, and will make you the toast of the town. But is it worth becoming toast? And worse leading others to the same? Sister, you have beautifully given yourself to God and our Church in consecrated life for 70 years and have done so much good. For this I offer my highest admiration. Why betray it now?” Filardi writes in the May 19 bulletin.

Berchmans says the move at the 220-year-old girl’s school follows “the Gospel commandment of love.” She said the Church’s stance on same-sex marriage is clear, but the Church also teaches that all people are God’s children.

Crux staff contributed to this report.

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