MUMBAI, India – A fine arts center in India run by Catholic nuns recently held a ceremony to mark its dedication to the riches of India’s culture and diversity.

Divya Kala Kendra is run by Sister Disciples of the Divine Master, and the institution’s second convocation was held on March 28 in Prarthanalaya, an area of Mumbai.

The order, which has houses in more than 30 countries, is a member of the Pauline family established by Blessed James Alberione, who dedicated himself to communications in the Church.

The center teaches both Hindustani and western liturgical music, and the convocation allowed the students and staff to highlight their talents.

“The beauty of art is portrayed well when it emerges from one’s heart because it is an expression of love, joy, and compassion conveyed naturally through your body and voice to attribute that life is beautiful and precious,” said Sister Rosemary Muttasseril, the superior of the Indian province, in a letter read at the ceremony.

“This day will stay as a proud moment in our minds forever as the students of DKK leave the campus with flying colors of success. All your achievements both big and small are the fruit of hard work, patience, and commitment of each of you and the faculties,” she said.

“As you all take your step forward to the next challenges of life today, I wish you all can keep the fire of faith in your mind alive and lead a disciplined life as it will give you the perfect rhythm in your body and soul to express through dance and music,” Muttasseril continued.

Among those attending were the General Councilors of the order who were visiting India from Rome.

Sister Lidia Awoki, the vicar general for the order and one of the councilors, addressed the participants.

“It is a gift to learn more about this living reality varied from many colors of language, customs and traditions. An honor because through art, dance and music we share part of our charism. A joy which anticipates the coming of God’s Kingdom. Thanks to all the people who have sustained for the success of this convocation,” Awoki said.

The General Councilors of the Sister Disciples of the Divine Master – Sister Lidia Awoki, Sister Giovanna Uchino, Sister Clementine Kazadi and Sister Maria Del Refugio Saldate – arrive in Mumbai from Rome. (Credit: Sister Disciples of the Divine Master.)

“Thanks to PDDM sisters who dedicate their lives to projects of solidarity, in view of growth and human development we need to build a society of equality, founded on human values, Christian, ethnic, social and political. Therefore, all of you, peacemakers and hope, thank you for the good works to the children of this community, to achieve the desire of Jesus Master: ‘That all may have life and have it abundantly’,” she continued.

Speaking later to Crux, Awoki said the leadership of the order were pleased with the “significant contribution” Divya Kala Kendra was making to society, “in keeping alive the rich cultural heritage of India.”

“The charism of PDDM is not social work, but wherever we are, our presence is a witness and we contribute to society, as in the Fine Arts Center. At the DKK, we are integrating persons of society through our life, art and music,” Awoki said.

A great admirer of Pope Francis, Awoki said that every community is called to express their charism within the culture of the nation in which they reside.

“For example, in Brazil, we have two communities in the periphery of peripheries in the Amazon, and among these people the PDDM sisters are living out their charisms.  The PDDM sisters, each month- passing through every community – celebrate the Liturgy of the Word and prepare them for the celebration of the Eucharist in the Deepest of the Amazon, through our witness, and presence we work among peoples and cultures,” she said.