In 1964, the Second Vatican Council affirmed in the document Lumen Gentium, that all the faithful of Christ of whatever rank or status, are called to the fullness of the Christian life and to the perfection of charity.” The Catholic Apostolate Center continues to promote this truth in the 21st century by providing active Catholics the tools and resources to share Christ’s loving message of salvation.

In this way, the Center’s mission focuses on reviving faith, rekindling charity, and forming apostles who give witness to this fullness of the Christian life by embracing their baptismal call.

(Credit: The Catholic Apostolate Center.)
(Credit: The Catholic Apostolate Center.)
Father Frank S. Donio, S.A.C., Director of the Center, explains, “The Catholic Apostolate Center is rooted in the spirituality of St. Vincent Pallotti, who believed that all are called to be apostles and to be co-responsible for the mission of Christ and his Church.”
Founded in 2011 as a ministry of the Society of the Catholic Apostolate (Pallottines),Immaculate Conception Province, the Catholic Apostolate Center develops resources that the faithful, particularly those in ministry, can use to aid in their own evangelization efforts. The Center responds to the current needs of the Church through developing, in collaboration with dioceses and other institutions and organizations, formation programs for the New Evangelization.
It assists pastoral leaders in deepening collaboration with one another and provides formation opportunities for members and collaborators of the Union of Catholic Apostolate.
The Center accomplishes this bold mission through online resource pages, webinars, podcasts,and blogs, as well as through the partnerships with organizations like the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), the Archdiocese of Washington, Catholic Volunteer Network, and St. Joseph’s College of Maine, among others. Furthermore, they host seminars,webinars, and presentations as well as providing consulting services.
“While we do produce our own material, and have a large amount of no-cost digital resources,the Center collaborates with many national and international Catholic organizations, dioceses,and the USCCB on a variety of projects to assist active Catholics in living as missionary disciples,” Donio said. In the spirit of St. Vincent Pallotti, the Center equips Catholics to “go out” empowered with the resources and knowledge to propagate the faith for the New Evangelization.



(Credit: The Catholic Apostolate Center.)
(Credit: The Catholic Apostolate Center.)

St. Vincent Pallotti founded the Union of Catholic Apostolate, an association to revive faith and rekindle charity among Catholics and propagate the faith to all. St. Vincent Pallotti encouraged collaboration among the clergy, religious, and the laity in the 1800s at time in history when many thought the work of the Church should be left to priests and religious.

The Catholic Apostolate Center looks to the life of St. Vincent Pallotti for inspiration as it strives to form collaborative relationships with more organizations, further develop its formation resources, and ultimately,empower all the faithful  clergy and lay  to live out their baptismal call.

The Catholic Apostolate Center specifically entrusts its work of forming apostles to Mary,
“Queen of Apostles” because of her invaluable role in building the early church and encouraging
the first apostles. The Center looks to the Blessed Mother as the perfect model of discipleship,apostolic work, and charity as we strive to lead Christ’s followers closer to her Son.  

Formation leads to action  this is a core belief that influences the work of the Center.Throughout his papacy, Pope Francis has reminded us to be comprised of both action and word,
to encourage a spirit of accompaniment and encounter.

“Go out,” he says. “Go out and shareyour testimony, go out and interact with your brothers, go out and share, go out and ask.” Byforming the laity to “go out,” the Catholic Apostolate Center hopes to empower the Body ofChrist to collaboratively carry out the mission entrusted to the Church by Jesus Christ.  
To learn more about the work and mission of the Catholic Apostolate Center, please visit theirwebsite at