It was May 8 when Crux’s managing editor Charles Collins suffered a devastating stroke and was rushed to the hospital in the UK, where he’s been fighting for his life. We’re running a GoFundMe campaign to help Charley, his wife Claire and their two boys to cover his immediate expenses as well as the costs of long-term recovery once he’s able to go home.

Because we know people all over the world are praying for Charley and concerned for him, we’re carrying regular updates from Claire on his condition. Below is her latest.

In a few days’ time, Charley will have been in intensive care for two months and has spent much of that time heavily sedated and on a ventilator.

This past week they have weaned him off sedation and have managed to get him off the ventilator and, so far, his lungs are managing on their own. The medical team are amazed and delighted by his recent progress.

He’s incredibly confused, of course, and the length of time that’s elapsed since the stroke has delayed his recovery, but that’s been unavoidable. We are cautiously hopeful that his age and stubborn nature will work in his favor over the coming months, and we can continue to defy the doctors’ expectations.

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who has reached out with words of support, had a Mass said for Charley, remembered us in their prayers or made a donation to the fund. Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts.


Everyone at Crux is deeply grateful for the support Charley has received. As a reminder, although the campaign is denominated in English pounds to make life easier for the family, any contribution you make automatically will be converted into dollars or whatever currency you normally use on your credit card statement.

For anything you can do, we’re deeply grateful. Here’s the link again.