Cameroon bishop calls for reparations as sacred Items are stolen from chapelMar 28Ngala Killian Chimtom
Despite Church efforts, Uruguay will likely approve euthanasia in near futureMar 27Eduardo Campos Lima
Dutch parishes holding on financially for now, but are still sufferingMay 22, 2020Katholiek Nieuwsblad
Carmelite nuns get thousands of followers as they TikTok through the COVID-19 pandemicApr 21, 2020Katholiek Nieuwsblad
As village churches close, Dutch Catholics leave faith rather than worship elsewhereJan 8, 2020Katholiek Nieuwsblad
Dutch doctor on trial in euthanasia case: ‘It can only be called murder’Aug 31, 2019Katholiek Nieuwsblad