For the second year in a row, a group of Catholic business executives finds itself embroiled in controversy over its negative views on homosexuality, and high-profile speakers have backed out of its annual conference.

Actor Gary Sinise, Fox News anchor Bret Baier, and brewer Pete Coors have all dropped out of the 2015 Legatus Summit, scheduled for later this month in Florida. Last year, actor Bob Newhart withdrew after gay rights activists launched a campaign to dissuade Newhart from appearing. All four men have identified as Catholic.

Driving the opposition to Legatus appear to be several articles published in the group’s magazine discussing homosexuality.

Sinise, an advocate for veterans, said in a statement he “was unaware of the controversy surrounding some of the participants, and their views on personal matters. I don’t want my mission — which is designed to be unifying — to be disrupted by these, or any controversies, and therefore have decided to withdraw.”

Molson Coors announced via Twitter that its chairman and a 2004 candidate for US Senate in Colorado was “previously unaware of the controversy of the group’s position on LGBT issues” and has pulled out.

A Fox News spokesman told AdWeek that Baier had “accepted the invitation to speak about his book, his faith, and his son’s congenital heart disease. He was unaware of these articles or the controversy surrounding them.”

The Catholic Church teaches that homosexuality is an innate, though “intrinsically disordered,” orientation and prohibits sexual contact between two members of the same gender.

So why is Legatus, formed in 1987 by Domino’s Pizza founder Tom Monaghan, being singled out?

Activists seem to believe the group takes a harder line than the Catholic Church on issues relating to homosexuality.

One Legatus article from November 2012 told Catholic voters to avoid voting for candidates who support “actions that are intrinsically evil,” including same-sex marriage.

Others have promoted so-called reparative therapy, a controversial and in some states, illegal, therapy that claims a person can switch his or her sexual orientation.

“The dangerous and debunked myth that a person can or should change their sexual orientation or gender identity through so-called ‘conversion therapy’ is completely bogus, and such practices cause immeasurable harm to LGBT people,” Fred Sainz, a vice president at the Human Rights Campaign said in a statement.

Jeremy Hooper, who blogs at Good As You, pointed to a homily posted on the Legatus website that seemed to compare homosexuality with pedophilia.

“Again, even the Roman Catholic hierarchy who oppose homosexuality do not tend to equate us with pedophiles,” he wrote for GLAAD in December 2013.

The December issue of Legatus magazine includes interviews with Baier and Sinise, as well as an article called “Catholic school policy and transgendered students,” in which the author says transgender children are “not at fault. He or she may be in a single-parent household where a member of the same sex is absent; the child thus lacks an appropriate role model.”

Legatus listed speakers for the summit on its website, including New York’s Cardinal Timothy Dolan and Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal.

Legatus, which describes itself as the “only organization in the world designed exclusively for top-ranking Catholic business leaders and their spouses,” did not return a call for comment.